Sunday, September 8, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "crops"

Tag: crops

The ODA, in partnership with FieldWatch, Inc., will introduce a new sensitive crop registry to enhance communication between applicators and producers.

Findings from Penn State researchers have implications for plant breeders and improving crop productivity in nutrient-poor soils.

Growing a high-quality corn silage crop starts at day one. Now is the best time for producers to build a plan for the upcoming growing season.

Certified Crop Advisers from Ohio and Pennsylvania share the biggest challenges facing crop farmers this year, and what a crop adviser can do to help.

Using biocontrol nematodes as a non-chemical management practice could reduce damage by alfalfa snout beetle and other field crop and fruit pests.

Cash receipts are likely to improve at the close of the current year, and into 2018, but farmers should take the good news with a grain of salt.

Strong yields for corn and soybeans keep prices low.

Syngenta has attained a non-exclusive IP license from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for CRISPR-Cas9 genome-editing technology.

The Crop Protection Network produces collaborative Extension outputs on diseases affecting field crops in the United States and Canada.

Southern and common rust have been more prevalent in southern Ohio cornfields this year. Farmers have had to replant several times.