Saturday, February 15, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "foodbanks"

Tag: foodbanks

So far this year the Grafton Correctional Institution garden has contributed 14,500 pounds of vegetables to hunger charities.

Thanks to donations of deer meat from Pennsylvania hunters, more than one-half million servings of ground venison will be provided to the hungry.

Northeast area Farm Service Agency County Office employees participated in the 2017 Feds Unite Against Hunger Feds Feed Families food drive.

With the funding appropriated through the state’s 2015-16 budget, the commonwealth’s charitable food banks will buy surplus agricultural products produced in Pennsylvania.

An estimated 14 percent of American households were food insecure at some point during 2014. Your donations to local foodbanks are needed now more than ever.

Zane Trace FFA members are helping address local hunger needs, putting what they are learning in the classroom to work in their school and community.

Since 2011, Mount Pleasant Community Garden volunteers have donated more than 43,000 pounds of fresh produce to the Stark County Hunger Task Force, assisting them in alleviating hunger through their 32 food pantries. You can help.

Rural Ohio food pantry among those competing in Walmart's Food Pantry Holiday Makeover.

Last year, Terry Gram's 45-acre hillside orchard in Paris, Ohio, gave him his biggest crop ever. A couple of decades ago, much of that surplus would have been tossed out. Now, growers like Gram can turn to groups like the Ohio Association of Food Banks and its Agricultural Clearance Program.

COLUMBUS — To help in the fight against hunger in Ohio, egg farmers across the state will be donating approximately 766,800 eggs to hunger...