Monday, February 17, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "hemp"

Tag: hemp

Appalachia has ideal weather conditions and infrastructure for the hemp industry to grow, but industry leaders state heavy restrictions stand in the way.

The Cleveland School of Cannabis and Kent State University are offering cannabis growers programs to prepare Ohio residents for an emerging cannabis industry.

The Ohio Hemp Company signs its first contract with Michigan-based company Heartland Industries to grow dual purpose hemp for bioplastics.

Penn State Extension will host the "2023 Penn State CBD Hemp Field Day" from 2:30-5 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Penn State Horticulture Research Farm.

Even back in 2019, researchers and industry experts noted fiber and grain hemp had a lot of potential. The infrastructure isn't quite there yet, but farmers and processors in Ohio and Pennsylvania are starting to explore it.

USDA released its first National Hemp Report Feb. 17. It’s a big step forward for the crop. But some industry groups say it shows the industry is struggling under current regulations.

Central State University researchers are aiming to create more opportunities in hemp and aquaculture, with a recently grant-funded project that seeks to get hemp grain approved as a feed ingredient for fish feed, expand markets for hemp and trout and increase diversity in agriculture.

As the industry develops, the founders of The Ohio Hemp Co. are doing their best to lead research on hemp and help other farmers learn more about the crop.

After decades on the controlled substances list, hemp is back as a crop in Ohio. Hemp, like many new crops, comes with new challenges — including limited research. Researchers at Central State University are trying to address that, starting with a grant-funded research project on manure as a hemp fertilizer, and how it affects soil health and water quality.

Ohio farmers got their first shot at growing hemp in 2020, after the crop spent decades as a controlled substance. But the new crop didn’t come without strings attached, or without challenges.