Saturday, May 4, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "history"

Tag: history

No one said teaching was easy. We hear from first-year ag teacher Rebecca Zeisler in this week's Field Notes. And, we take a step back in time at the Dennison Depot in Tuscarawas County, Ohio.

Sam Moore's grandfather, who was born in 1867, used to tell of hearing the old-timers, including his own grandfather, tell of the year when the Fourth of July was celebrated by throwing snowballs.

The War Horses: The Tragic Fate of a Million Horses in the First World War by Simon Butler details the use, abuse, pain and suffering of horses used in World War I.

A look back at the development of the Packard truck in the early 1900s.

Old Niagara Fort is highly recommended as a must-see addition for fishermen traveling to western Lake Ontario for salmon and trout fishing.

Sam Moore shares a few humorous poems from his collection of old farm literature.

The Air Heritage Musuem has a room that’s filled with flying memorabilia, photos and paintings, models, uniforms and equipment, bomb sights, instrument panels and other aircraft parts.

Ernie Hall was a leader and teacher of early flight, and this northeast Ohio museum preserves his legacy.

I have a bound volume of The Cultivator, a monthly agricultural paper published in Albany, New York, for the year 1841, almost 175 years...

MAPS Air Museum welcomes home veterans from 1950-1975.