Tag: history
Improving apple varieties was a major endeavor for settlers
Paul Locher explains how valuable apples were on the frontier of Ohio Country in the early 1800s, and how settlers improved varieties.
Corn was staff of life for settlers, but was always labor...
After corn was husked, it had to be shelled and processed before it could be cooked into a meal in the early 1800s in Ohio Country.
DeLaVergne: Home of the giants!
Paul Harvey provides a brief history, and a look into the significance of DeLaVergne engines.
Do you know what mystery tool Item No. 1282 is?
Item No. 1282 is about 9 inches long with a wooden handle and a steel, toothed end.
Corn husking bees brought neighbors together for work, socializing
Paul Locher details one of the great seasonal traditions among settlers in the Ohio Country — the husking bee or husking frolic.
From stalk to shock to fodder, harvesting the corn crop required...
Paul Locher explains how early settlers of Ohio country would have harvested corn, detailing the tools they would have used.
Help us unwrap this mystery just in time for Christmas
Item No. 1281 is made of cast iron, measuring approximately 6 inches long and 3/4 inch wide, with two saddles and a small hook on top.
Educational event to kick off historical society celebration
The Mahoning Valley Historical Society launched its 150th anniversary celebration, which will run through September and include Mahoning Valley history.
The wheat harvest: To winnow, grind and bag
After flailing the wheat, early Ohio settlers processed it into flour.
By hook or by crook, the wheat harvest was accomplished with...
Paul Locher details how 1800s pioneers in Ohio Country would have accomplished the wheat harvest and describes the tools they would have used to do it.