A roundup of FFA news for Aug. 28, 2008


ALBANY, Ohio — The Alexander FFA chapter recently held its summer meeting and cookout at Ethan Sayers’ house. Thirty-two members and three guests showed up for the meeting and cookout.

Members discussed plans for the upcoming Athens County Fair including improvements to the FFA booths, FFA fun day, and the annual fair cook out.

After the meeting members played cornhole and went swimming.

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CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — Members of the Zane Trace FFA kept busy during the 68th annual Ross County Fair.

The week began with members of the officer team decorating the chapter’s booth in the Junior Fair building. The booth included pictures of chapter activities as well as individual member accomplishments. The officers also created a display of member SAE projects.

Hillary Stump represented the chapter very well in the Junior Fair King and Queen contest.

Members also participated in the famous outhouse race during Junior Fair Night. The team made up of Emily Lyons, Emily Patrick, Hannah Cryder, Lindsey Cook and rider Lydia Weaver placed third in their preliminary heat.

Kourtnie Buchanan also participated in Junior Fair Night by baking the pie for the chapter’s entry into the apple pie baking contest.

Several members exhibited animals at the fair. They included Hannah Snyder, dairy heifer; Hannah Cryder, beef heifer; Bud Scott and Josh Park, market hogs; Lindsey Cook, market steer; Tyler Wrightsel, production poultry; and David Gilmore and Aaron Arnold, market rabbits.

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