Friday, April 26, 2024

Coyotes are arguably the most vocal of all North American mammals. Learn more about understanding the meaning behind their various vocalizations.

Practical advice on how to buy birds, set-up a brooder and grow birds to harvest weight

Applying fertilizers to hay and pasture fields to stimulate plant growth will generally increase yields substantially.
livestock guardian dog with livestock

Tarma Shena mulls what hard decisions look like when a dog doesn't work out.
(Farm and Dairy file photo)

Does anyone really understand the convoluted legal language in pipeline lease agreements? You’d better try. Here's what landowners should include to protect themselves.
goats on pasture

FAMACHA scoring is used to identify risk of barber pole worm infestation in small ruminants. It is an effective, easy-to-use tool everyone from backyard hobbyists to large-scale producers can use on the farm.

Private ponds can be a great way to add function, as well as scenic beauty, to your property. A properly constructed pond can provide...

February and March are the best two months because it is breeding season. Coyotes are busy, aggressive, and more apt to respond to the right sounds now.

The business structure you choose for your farm influences daily operations, how decisions are made and the responsibilities of owners.

Growing garlic is easy. Garlic planted in fall and overwintered is ready to harvest by mid to late summer.