Thursday, May 2, 2024
cell phone

From field identification for plants to record-keeping and grazing plans, there are many apps to choose from for both iOS and Android systems.

Management intensive grazing is thought to be one of the best ways to maximize grazing capacity. Find out if it's a profitable strategy for your operation.
Spotted Knapweed

Ohio State Extension educator Christine Gelley remembers a recently deceased client as a diligent spotted knapweed scouter and urges readers to be like Joe.

If herbicides are what you need to tackle a problem, consider the temperature and timing and their impact on the product you are using.
cattle in pasture

Walking fence lines, inspecting for weak spots, finding weed stands, setting up rotational grazing patterns and more will help get your pastures ready. 
Cattle in a field

What are your grazing goals for this year? One obtainable goal to keep in mind is proper management of your pastures.
cows on pasture , dairy, farm bill,

Having a mixed stand, whether for hay or pasture, has several benefits. Including legumes can reduce nitrogen needs for the field. 
horse fly

As farm managers think about options for fly control on pasture during the summer months, consider several options and combinations.
alfalfa field

Learn how to determine whether reseeding or overseeding might be the answer to improving your pasture.
Asian longhorned ticks

There are a lot of unknowns with the invasive Asian longhorned tick. However, some evidence has suggested they could be a new threat to cattle producers.