Wednesday, May 8, 2024
All About Grazing

All About Grazing

Spring is one of the most difficult times of the year to properly manage forages. Read more in this week's "All About Grazing" column.

We are on the downhill stretch. Mornings and nights are still cold, but the sun is warming up our afternoons.

Now is a time of year many cow-calf operators enjoy because the season's calf crop has been sold, all the hay has been made, most of the equipment is put away and there is a little extra money in the bank.

When the management of grazing is discussed, what are the topics of that discussion? Typically, they involve forage growth, forage varieties, soils, animal nutrition,...

August is the month to begin planning your fall/winter grazing. By the end of August many practices will have to be implemented in order to maximize forage production.

Change, no matter how uncomfortable, sometimes causes us to look at our operation and discover that there are more ways to do things than we believed possible.

In our Pasture For Profit grazing schools we talk about pasture management in terms of keeping pasture plants actively growing and matching livestock nutrient...

It was a rough winter for many hay fields in northern Ohio. Considering the stressful conditions last year, followed by a cold and wet...

Introducing Farm and Dairy's newest column.

As the leaves start turning and the nights get colder, our usual crops of orchardgrass, ryegrass and alfalfa begin to winterize.