Winter fishers don’t need to break the ice
The open water below flood control dams offers a good chance to catch saugeye, especially if a rain increases flow and adds a little color to the water.
Spotted lanternfly will likely hit Ohio soon
Find out what's being done in Ohio to prepare for the potential arrival of the spotted lanternfly and learn more about sightings and how to report them.
Things with wings
Raptor Hallow Sanctuary, located west of Alliance, Ohio, houses many magnificent creatures that came from wildlife rehabilitation centers all over the U.S.
It’s time to tap maple trees at Misty Maples Sugar House
Dave Hively and his family have been tapping maple trees for six generations. They usually tap more than 800 trees each year on their Mahoning County farm.
Badgers and coyotes sometimes hunt together
Instead of being wary of a larger predator that could pose a danger, some badgers will team up with a coyote as a hunting partner.
Nothing ‘crappie’ about this fishing favorite
Making sure anglers can catch decent-sized crappie is the result of more than 15 years of scientific management to prevent "small crappie syndrome."
Ohio boasts healthy catfish populations for anglers
Ohio offers great opportunities for anglers to catch blue, flathead and channel catfish. Find out where they are stocked and plan your next fishing trip.
Making a bat house a bat home
Jamey Emmert, a wildlife communications specialist for the Ohio Division of Wildlife, shares tips for making a comfortable bat house.
Agencies work together to conserve wild pheasant populations
The Ohio Division of Wildlife and Pheasants Forever, Inc. are known for providing pheasant hunting opportunities and working to conserve wild populations.
Duck hunter keeps it real with wood decoys
Vic Sutek of Columbiana County is just as passionate about duck hunting at 63 as he was at 18. Only one thing has changed — no more plastic decoys.