Friday, May 3, 2024

Does it matter to farmers who wins in November? We'd know more if we knew where they stood on the farm issues.
dogs at sunrise

This year has ushered in a new tradition for Rebecca Miller: early morning treks with her livestock guardian dogs and sheep.

Walmart threw its global shoulder into a sustainability product index initiative last week. Forget cap-and-trade legislation, ignore international commissions. Follow the smiley face instead.
ugly food

Consumers are slowly becoming more willing to buy "ugly fruit," which are seconds or cull produce. And retailers are jumping on the bandwagon, says Editor Susan Crowell in her commentary.

The year I started at Farm and Dairy — 1985 — Coca-Cola attempted to change its 99-year-old formula to attract younger drinkers. Anyone remember “New”...

Editor Susan Crowell wonders if we've learned anything from past farm bill wrangling.
sheep pasture

Farmers need to be nimble and willing to think of all of the angles when it comes to local processing woes, Rebecca Miller says.
Farm and Dairy building, Salem, Ohio

Farm and Dairy Editor Susan Crowell is retiring this summer, and you all can help us cast the widest net to find her successor.

Last September when I solicited responses to the question "What I learned on my first job", one of the people I contacted was Pike...
sheep and sunset

It's not too late to plan for "what if" and make some changes. Rebecca Miller shares how her family is doing just that on the sheep farm.