HSUS brings message to 4-H’ers
I dislike the calculating move by HSUS to target 4-H youth with its subtle anti-animal agriculture message.
Goodbye to a faithful livestock guardian dog partner
In the midst of the new coronavirus craziness, Rebecca Miller had to say goodbye to a working partner she never knew she needed.
Who made HSUS the Jell-O sheriff?
Humane Society of the United States? Still don't trust 'em!
On tragedy: There is a reason why, we just need to figure it out...
Why do bad things happen to good people? And what are the rest of us supposed to do now?
Tell a farmer ‘thank you.’ Today.
Above: Note from a Farm and Dairy reader
North Carolina Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler was eating lunch with some staff members at a local restaurant...
GMO labeling not about choice
Anti-GMO sentiment is based on faulty science, emotion, a mistrust of big corporations, and even conspiracy theories. Editor Susan Crowell serves up her thoughts.
Let me set the record straight
Farm and Dairy is the region's ag paper of record. We're proud of that standing, we love agriculture and we'll continue to cover it with professionalism.
Ohioans, get ready for another HSUS battle
Reading between the HSUS lines: "We'll say we'll negotiate with agriculture, but if we don't get our way, we're not going to play nice anymore."
Emotion trumps science every time: Farmers need to ‘start with why’
When you start talking from your passion, and not your science, all of a sudden, farming becomes more relevant, more meaningful to everyone else, because they, too, want to protect the environment or care about animal welfare, and can do that by supporting you.
Saying goodbye: Trying to become Miriam Miller’s daughter
Editor Susan Crowell says goodbye to her mother.