Friday, May 17, 2024

You are what you wear. Our whole lives most of us who live out of uniform — and arguably those who DO — spend...
kitchen sink

Boywonder finally found a house worthy to make into a home, and wouldn't you know, it's a big white farmhouse on some very pretty rural land.

To say I'm kicking myself for not buying the squirrel would be an understatement.We were blessed to embark on our 11th annual summer road...

Look, I don't want to alarm anyone, but last week was Thanksgiving. How did that happen? It seems like only yesterday, I was first perusing the Christmas holiday decor alongside the Fourth of July merchandise.

Mr. Wonderful has taken to hitting me to get his point across. OK, technically it's more of a playful tap on the shoulder to...

Living in the country means our mailbox is on a post by the road.

If I should ever have to evacuate in one of those horrible "you have 10 minutes to take anything of value and get out"...
Kym Seabolt's text conversation with Boywonder

Kymberly Foster Seabolt reflects on her children making the transition into adulthood and how things have changed at home.

Well, the bad news is that I can now officially call Mr. Wonderful "my old man." The good news is that I'd rather be poked with a hot stick than do so.

It's hard to know when, exactly, to proclaim an otherwise beautiful family experience a disaster, but that does seem to be the way these things go.