Thursday, May 2, 2024
Little Pasture on the Prairie

Little Pasture on the Prairie

farm storm

Eliza Blue attempts to plan a concert around the unpredictable weather on her ranch.

Eliza Blue has learned in order to support healthy, sustainable growth above ground, there needs to be an equal amount of growth below ground.
cardinal in snow

Eliza Blue ponders the changing of the seasons and the special characteristics of each one.
white-tailed deer

Deer have been a major hindrance to Eliza Blue's tours the last two summers. While she's proud of her music, she hasn't enjoyed the accidents.

Joy and ease are two things Eliza Blue has written about a lot over the years and aspires to embody.
sunset over a prairie

Eliza Blue enjoys the gentler pace of life on her ranch as of late, welcoming the change.
rainbow in South Dakota

After a lifetime spent in places where rainfall is plentiful, Eliza Blue was unprepared for the realities of living in an ecosystem where drought is common.
cattle in the snow

Maybe, winter chores aren’t so bad. Maybe they are the antidote to the malaise of modern life. And maybe, just maybe, Eliza Blue will make it through March.
rainbow in South Dakota

Eliza Blue's ranch recently got over six inches of rain in just a handful of days, which is almost half the yearly average in her part of South Dakota.
pickled cucumbers

It’s that time of year again — time to put up your garden goods or say goodbye to whatever is left.