Saturday, May 18, 2024

Now is the time to gather up all the beautiful, humorous, thoughtful, pictorial, etc. etc. greeting cards you've received since the holiday season began.Put...

In these very troubled times - national troubles, global troubles, financial troubles, violence troubles, climate and weather troubles, energy troubles, war troubles, strike troubles, health troubles, ad infinitum - there are many families who will surely have trouble being thankful this Thanksgiving Day.

Never having lived with a cow, I know almost nothing about cows -- and I truly believe that unless you actually live with an...

Could be you're tired of reading about the mundane happenings on this quiet island, and so I'm calling on my mother to rescue you.

By now, you're getting a bit panicky. When you put last year's Christmas "away," where did you put the list with all the names of friends who get cards or gifts or coffee cakes? And what about the red and gold banners you stick on the pasture gate and the cemetery fence with green duct tape (which gives you a fit when you try to remove it come summer)? At least you remember where the rolls of red plastic ribbon are that turn the porch's white pillars into candy cane look-alikes when it is spiraled around them.

Like a breaking floral wave, the locust blossoms frothed and foamed in the breeze, their inimitable fragrance beckoning bees whose humming was an audible...

Now the endless lists begin. What did we ever do BP — Before Post-its — because the list never happens to be where we...

Let's just come right out and say it: 2008 was a bummer.Actually, that is one of the kindest things one might say about the...

Somebody -- was it you? -- really, really blinked from the time you were warned that if you did it would all be gone!...

If there is anything more rib-sticking, more delicious, more comforting, more warming to the cockles of your heart in these continuing assaults by King...