Tuesday, April 30, 2024
gift box

Judith Sutherland received a surprise visit from a loyal reader with an unexpected gift. Read her story and remember to pass along kindness wherever you go.
birds at a feeder

FeederWatch has become an effective tool for monitoring the distribution and abundance of winter birds that visit feeders. Learn how to get involved.
Quality feed

Feed costs per cwt of milk sold and income over feed costs can be variable from year to year. Learn how to optimize the feed costs in your dairy.
soil and seedling in hand

Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District looks back on all the district has accomplished in 75 years and remembers the men and women who contributed.

Will the futures traders' bet pay off again, with talks of a U.S.-China agricultural trade deal on the table? Alan Guebert shares his thoughts and concerns.
Appalachian Trail

Hiram resident Chuck Defer completed a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail this summer, meeting George Lightcap along the way.
Corn harvest 2016

Marlin Clark provides an update on the grain markets for the week of Nov. 4, 2019. Get some insight on recent price fluctuations and harvest progress.
livestock guardian dog with sheep

Tarma Shena is an accountant, homesteader, certified dog trainer, behaviorist and livestock guardian dog breeder. In many ways though, a lifetime of working with animals and farming off-the-grid has influenced her LGD training approach.

From a spikey tool that has you stumped to a Spiker mystery antique tool, Hazard a Guess is rolling on. Can you name either of them?

Plan ahead for the winter season to keep your cows in an adequate Body Condition Score (BCS) range prior to calving.