Thursday, May 16, 2024

Quicksand forms in an area where soil is very high in sand when the water saturation level makes liquid mud that can trap anything it comes in contact with.
cattle in pasture

The financial stress of running a dairy farm continues to take a toll on your physical and mental health. Find out what you can do to manage the stress.

It's called Gyotaku, the art of transferring the image of a caught fish to a printable material.
dollar sign and chart

USDA sees just a $1.9 billion growth in net farm income over the coming 10 years — from a $77.6 billion forecast in 2019 to $79.5 billion in 2028.
English Shepherd, Billy

Judith Sutherland's missing English Shepherd has been found. Unfortunately, it wasn't the reunion she had hoped for.
Richard Bader, of Middletown, New York, picked up Item No. 1125 at a yard sale. It is 9 inches in diameter, 6 1/2 inches in height when closed and weighs 12 pounds. There is a lever on the side that you can move to any hole on the disk. The peg on top has a handle and moves back and forth.

Can you name this Hazard a Guess Tool Submission?
emerging corn

Early February reports from the USDA strongly suggest that average 2019 crop yields will deliver less than average prices.
Kym Seabolt's dog, Jackson

Kymberly Foster Seabolt shares the lessons her little crew of rescued animals has taught her.
fisherman holding crappie

Ice-covered lakes and slippery ramps have the best crappie time on hold but one can put money on the early to mid-March action to begin.
Cover crops field

Cover crops help build your soil profile and open channels to allow heavy rain to quickly infiltrate into the ground where it is useful to plants.