Friday, May 17, 2024

Red squirrels make up for what they lack in size with pure pugnacity.

“Many the morn when the mist covers the valley as I softly call, ‘Come, Boss, come, Boss,’ and the day begins with a shining...

Recently, a local hay producer asked what hay was worth. Of course, each forage producer will have a different cost of production.After he told...

More noisy than musical, the sounds of insects define late summer.

When seeding directly to pasture, there are some guidelines to follow that help to ensure success.
empty dairy barn

Too many years of poor milk prices and unpredictable markets for milk, cull cows, breeding stock, and feed have taken their toll, and more dairy farm families are agonizing over their future as milk producers.

Last week my wife informed me she had seen the first big black rat snake of the year stretched across the road in front...

Learn the basics of raising pigs on pasture and decide if it's right for your operation.
Purple dead nettle

Purple dead nettle is anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial. It can be used on wounds to help stop the bleeding or to alleviate joint pain.
electric fence

Learn more about the main components found in electric fencing systems to get the most out of your investment.