Wednesday, May 8, 2024

“Never pass up a good opportunity to shut up.” — Will Rogers Tomes of writing have been published on opinions, philosophies, old-fashioned ways...

Columnist Judith Sutherland says life is what happens while we are making plans.

Antique columnist Roy Booth says the best era of painted furniture was in the 1700s.

It's hard to know when, exactly, to proclaim an otherwise beautiful family experience a disaster, but that does seem to be the way these things go.

To get in shape, or “buff” as the slang term implies is to have good muscle tone, be physically fit, and trim. Well, I’m...

Hello Again!The motto for the Boy Scouts is Be Prepared . Are you prepared for your 2012 harvest? Will your corn be singing, Oh...

You always wonder, on the first day of daylight-saving time, whether anyone will sheepishly arrive at church just as the service is ending.

In one episode of the 1970s television series M*A*S*H, an eminently paranoid Army intelligence officer tags flag-waving Frank Burns a Communist sympathizer because Burns subscribes to flag-waving Reader's Digest.

I find it amazing, time and time again, how much the world is turning back around to the way it used to be long, long ago.

My first few years at Farm and Dairy, when I entered the building from the rear, I had to walk by two mammoth Linotype...