Friday, May 3, 2024

One of my grandfather's favorite songs many years ago was the song, This Old House by Stuart Hamblin. He especially liked the words and he said they reminded him of his own life.

A few weeks ago, the children of our church had their summer vacation Bible school. Keri, the director of the Bible school, challenged the...

Dr. Hazlett shares some insight on clutter and how it's not always a bad thing...

Recently, my wife, Myrna, spent some time in the Akron City Hospital in Akron, Ohio. We did not plan to go there. However, we...

SORROW "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted" . I have met many wonderful people in my life; however, I have never met...

Imagine if you had to write down on a piece of paper all the many things in your life that you have learned. Where would you begin? I think it would be impossible to remember everything we have learned to this point in our lives, no matter what our age might be.

Do you remember when you were a little child and people would ask you the question, "What are you going to be when you...

My wife Myrna was making some homemade soup the other day and I asked her why she was using a particular ingredient in it....

SENIOR ADULTSWe hear much today about senior citizens. Senior citizens are people who have reached an age in their lives that are now looked...

When we are healthy and everything seems to be going well, it's easy to forget just how blessed we are. But when times are hard, we realize we're surrounded by God's angels in the form of friends.