Think About It: What have you learned?


Imagine if you had to write down on a piece of paper all the many things in your life that you have learned. Where would you begin? I think it would be impossible to remember everything we have learned to this point in our lives, no matter what our age might be.

I have heard it said that we begin to learn at the time following our birth. In other words, it does not take long after we are born that we find ourselves learning by experience. I remember our children, shortly after they were born, learned to cry when they were hungry. They learned very early in life how to get our attention.

Believe it or not, we all continue to use similar ways to get others’ attention as we grow older. We may not cry like we did when we were born, however we have a tendency to raise our voice to emphasize a point. Why? Because we learned to do this when we were born.

I never knew what 2×2 equaled until I was taught how to multiply. To this very day, I still use those methods that I learned in school. My schoolteacher used the methods they learned to teach others and me. My parents taught me early in life many valuable things that I use every day of my life.

Sometimes, it takes us time to learn. It does not always happen quickly. It may require some practice. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Knowledge and timber should not be used until they are seasoned.”

The longer I live, the more I realize the value of what I have learned. I still remember the many things my grandfather taught me. Some of their methods of doing things may be outdated, however I still value them. My father instilled in me values that I have never forgot. They assist me through my everyday life. I have passed these many values down to my children and grandchildren.

Stop and think what you have learned. It is amazing when you think about it, and there is no way possible to list it all. Thank God for those of the past who took time to teach us the values of life.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:29, “Learn of me.”

Everything Jesus taught us throughout the Bible is for our own good as well as the good of our world. If we could all live our lives the way He taught us, just think how much better our world would be.

What have you learned? Only you know if it is good live by it and share it with others. “He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin” James 4:17.


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