Wednesday, May 15, 2024

In the 1964 U.S. Supreme Court case Jacobellis v. Ohio, Justice Potter Stewart wrote a concurring opinion he hoped would establish a legal standard...

The first good corn planting day of spring finally arrived at my central Illinois farmette April 30. Like the month’s previous 29 days, however,...

Two of the greatest ironies of living in the richest, strongest nation in the history of the world are how many poor people remain...

Chicago Cubs baseball fans and American cow-calf ranchers have two things in common. First, they can't win for losing and, second, they pay heavily...

While Max Baucus and Jon Tester are both Democrats, both U.S. senators and both Montana country boys, last month’s hurried vote to fund nearly...

That lion-in/lamb-out thing about March didn’t offer much lamb this year, but it did deliver several platters of snow. Oh, spring arrived on time; winter...

The neighborhood farmer grapevine, fiber optic for years now, was set abuzz two weeks ago with news that a 237-acre piece of the township...

Contrary to rumor, Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. He couldn’t have; fiddles did not exist in first century Rome. Far more likely,...

The coincidence was positively delicious. Shortly after Swedish furniture seller Ikea found itself, shall we say, saddle-deep in a saucy mess that featured racier...

In the run-up to the Great Budget Sequester of 2013, a deeply indebted America once again learned what every American knows from birth: your...