Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Digging up potatoes isn’t too difficult but there are some considerations for determining the timing and technique to harvest them.
Coneflower seedheads

One of the best things you can do for local ecosystems is plant wildflowers. Learn how to find, collect, store, stratify and plant native wildflower seeds.
jack-o-lanterns made from potatoes

Jack-o-lanterns date back centuries, but they weren't always carved using pumpkins. Discover the origins of the jack-o-lantern and how to carve an original.
ground ivy

Ground ivy is one of the most difficult weeds to manage in lawns. Learn what strategies to implement and what herbicides to use to get rid of it.
hickory tussock moth caterpillar

Learn to identify venomous and non-venomous, hairy and bristled caterpillars found in Ohio that can cause injury from coming into contact with them.

Primetime to harvest hazelnuts in the Midwest is from the end of September into October. Learn how to correctly identify, harvest and enjoy them.

Mapping out your garden, soil testing, removing plant material and covering the surface of your garden before winter will help ensure next year’s success.

Learn how to safely can salsa by using research-tested recipes, following directions and using the right amounts of ingredients to maintain acidity.

Learn how to determine when your apples are ripe enough to pick based on variety, color, firmness, seed coats, smell, taste and ease of removal. 
baldfaced hornets' nest close up

It’s important to be aware of large wasp and hornet nests during late summer, so you can avoid them and reduce your chances of getting stung.