Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Crabapples are a wild apple variety that is common and widely distributed across the Midwest. Learn how to find and harvest crabapples.

Learn how to safely can salsa by using research-tested recipes, following directions and using the right amounts of ingredients to maintain acidity.

As a beginning farmer, niche producer or small family farm, you may have more options to finding funds than the traditional outlets for a farm loan.

The complicated assembly of a turducken leaves a lot of room for error. Learn how to safely store, handle and cook a turducken for Thanksgiving.

As winter slowly winds down, many gardeners cannot wait to soak up the springtime sun and get their hands dirty in the garden. Such excitement is not just good for gardeners, but can benefit the garden in the months to come as well.
July gardening

This month, prune flowers, keep up with your garden’s watering and weeding needs and continue to manage pests.
bottles of seeds

Winter is a perfect time to sit down with the seed catalogs you’ve ordered and figure out what you want to plant this year.

Saving vegetable can save you money, but how long can vegetable seeds last before becoming duds? We found the answer...
Basket of apples

Planning to pick your own apples this fall? Learn which varieties of apples are perfect for snacking, baking, making applesauce and more.
agaricus bisporus

Beware of the dangers of foraging from or near contaminated locations and learn how to look for signs of pollution before foraging.