Wednesday, May 8, 2024
snowy dog

During winter weather, special care should be taken to ensure pets are safe. Use these tips to ensure your pet isn't overexposed to the elements.

Getting the most out of annuals year after year requires choosing the right plants, finding the right location and using the proper planting techniques.
Tractor applying fertilizer

Fall is an ideal time to collect soil samples, evaluate nutrient levels and develop a management plan to reduce the cost of fertilizing and liming pastures.

Hardening off plants is simple; it’s the process of adjusting plants to outdoor temperatures after they’ve been started indoors.

The most common misconception about fall vegetable production is that you need a hoop or green house to do it.

Watering the garden seems simple enough, but irrigation is something most gardeners get wrong.
Fuzzy Christmas Gnomes

Learn how to make a simple Christmas gnome from fuzzy socks to give as a last-minute or on-a-budget Christmas gift.
Boxelder bugs

Boxelder bugs overwinter in mass, creating a nuisance for homeowners. Learn how to keep them out of your home and deal with them if they get inside.
July gardening

This month, prune flowers, keep up with your garden’s watering and weeding needs and continue to manage pests.

If you want to work fruits and vegetables into your daily diet, there are some simple ways to supplement your diet.