Wednesday, May 1, 2024

I think I can safely say that I join the rest of the free world in relief that the terror and unrest is behind...

"I'm not going to vacuum until Sears makes one you can ride on." - Roseanne Barr

Apparently, a 50-percent divorce rate isn't high enough for the cellular telephone industry. No, they've given otherwise loving couples yet one more thing to squabble over: shared minutes.

He's always been less a lover, more a fighter. We bought him almost 15 years ago, in our early dating days when buying a cat together was still giddily committed, "hey look at us, we're a FAMILY!" We found him in a pet shop, stuck in a cage in a roomful of barking dogs, eyes wide, fur on end.

I knew all those years of selfishly tossing aside those urban legend chain letter e-mails that warned of dire consequences if I did not forward said chain letter to dozens of my friends posthaste would come to haunt me.

Technologically speaking, my family and I have always been more Luddite than early-adopter. We are not the first people on the block to have high-speed this or digital that.

Every 20 seconds in America a child suffers an almost unimaginable fate. They discover that life is not, in fact, fair.

I don't know how or why and it hardly seems possible, yet I have undeniable proof that it is. My entire life just goes right ahead and falls apart if my husband leaves the state.

Some are born to greatness. Some rise to greatness. And some just want to get their dog out of the swimming pool.

I've long said that I'll be darned if my children are going to go running off spending good