Thursday, May 16, 2024
grain dump

Strong yields for corn and soybeans keep prices low.
soybean harvest

Harvest progress has been good so far, but it looks like we're in for some rainy weather.
soybean harvest

At current corn and soybean prices, the farmers will resist selling as long as they can.
soybean harvesting

Soybean harvest is well underway, but corn is still drying.
Corn harvest 2016

Grain prices trending lower as harvest season nears.
fall field of corn

The fond hope of the Labor Day weekend was that, with an extra day of mystery and no trading, we might see some gains...
combining soybeans

If there is good news in the current grain market, it has to be that we may be making the harvest lows on negative news ahead of the actual harvest, says grain expert Marlin Clark.
soybean harvesting

What does USDA think we will see for crop production? Everyone is waiting for the latest report on Aug. 10.
Money markets graphic

The crop and weather condition aren't exactly leading to the markets most would expect.

This week the support for corn prices is not weather worries, but the reality that the weather so far has produced a crop that is still declining in condition.