Thursday, May 16, 2024
Tree stand

Mike Tontimonia is in the game again and looking forward to the coming weeks as autumn puts its grip on the woodlots and the place to be is up a tree.

Permission to actively hunt on another’s property is increasingly hard to come by. Getting it is tough enough, keeping it is another challenge.

Delbert Bartow killed the big buck during Ohio’s 1947 deer season, the first season of modern deer hunting offered in just eight northeast Ohio counties.

The following is a detailed list of the important steps to control human scent, the biggest give-away that alarms deer and usually sends them running.

Al Lindner and his son Troy Lindner are co-hosting a one-day class for up and coming young stars who see fishing as a worthy, life-long pursuit.

Lake Erie walleyes aren't all miles off shore. They can be caught in under 20 feet of water on Lake Erie's central basin, ranging from Lorain to Erie, Pa.

ODNR has signed a memorandum of understanding with AEP to negotiate for the state to purchase a major portion of AEP's 60,000-acre ReCreation Land property.

Farming in Canada's Yukon territory offers many challenges, but also offers high heaps of hope for adventurous souls.

Remember fluorocarbon? Yep, it is a preferred fishing line of the present and future and here’s why.

Off-season workouts for your dog will maintain tough paw pads, loose joints, proper weight, and maintain endurance and stamina.