Saturday, February 8, 2025
doe and fawn

Jim Abrams gives an overview of Ohio's deer population and offers insight to hunters looking to better manage trends and promote healthier numbers.
Giant Stag Beetle

Jim Abrams recalls the wildlife-inspired gift he gave his mother one Christmas.
Cute Baby Reindeer

Jim Abrams explores the plausibility of flying reindeer. Merry Christmas!

Jim Abrams explains the duties of a game warden and shares his experiences during deer season in Ohio.

While most hunters Jim Abrams has known go to great lengths to ensure that they bring up kids with an honest respect for the law, it isn’t always so.
briar pheasants

Jim Abrams shares his Thanksgiving morning tradition — hunting with his dogs.
deer feeder farm

Jim Abrams shares why his deer feeder is gathering dust in the corner of his barn and he's focused on improving what he knows works on a natural level.
beaver creek

Jim Abrams shares the moment he learned the importance of reconnaissance.
the hinckley buck

Jim Abram's provides tips for determining the weight of a whitetail deer.
winchester house

Jim Abrams digs into the history and myster surrounding the hauntings of the Winchester House, which have been reported since it was completed.