Friday, May 3, 2024

Lake Erie’s walleye —easily one of the wonders of the fishing world and the only fish known to fall from the sky on New Year’s Eve in a western Ohio coastline city that claims to be the Walleye Capital of the World — is simply not what it once was.
hunting party

“Don’t let your son grow up to be a cowboy,” may be wishful lyrics to a three-cord country song, and it may be a string of notes that Jon Sund’s parents danced to. But in the end, that’s exactly what Sund grew up to be, and he couldn’t be happier.
Camp jay

Hunting trips are always focused on a single animal, species, or trophy but there are often more wild critters, some small, some big, if one looks beyond the prey.

Deer permits mean different things, in different counties.

Even if you don't hunt, Ohioans have a good chance of getting, or "hitting" a deer.

Ohio deer season, the time of year that every serious hunter awaits with baited breath -- whatever that is.

It isn't hard to sink a fishing craft or recreational boat. In fact, sometimes it takes no effort at all.

There is good news and bad news coming out of South Dakota, the nation's honey hole for pheasant hunting.

With an increasing growing number of females choosing to carry a handgun for personal and family safety it was only a matter of time until someone recognized the need for specially designed women's clothing to comfortably conceal and a weapon.

Duck hunters looking for a way to add a little spice to their sport may want to try crafting a decoy or two to their gear bag.