Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor: A cold day has come now that citizens all over Ohio can no longer express their opinions without fear of retribution from certain animal...

Editor: "Ohio animal owners, unite"As November grows closer, all animal owners need to work as one since the deal between Gov. Ted Strickland, the Ohio...

Why is Ohio so afraid of a premise identification program?

Editor:What lies ahead for Ohio's animal owners? What future do we have in this great state? What do the next four years hold for...

Editor:Tuesday, Oct. 19. The weather today -- gray, overcast with rain. The headline -- Exotic Animals Roaming Ohio.When I first heard the news late...

The possible consequences for consumers and Ohio agriculture are severe if Issue 2 does not pass.

Editor: There is no guaranteed seat for a production livestock producer. The board consists of 13 members: three family farmers, two veterinarians, one food safety...

Recent letters to the editor regarding Ohio Farm Bureau’s involvement in the wild and dangerous animals issue have contained several factual errors.

Editor: While I have my own personal disputes with Obamacare, I believe it is imperative to keep religion out of government matters ( "Administration...

Editor:Voters will decide whether or not to amend Ohio's Constitution for the purpose of creating a 13-member Livestock Care Standards Board that will essentially...