Sunday, May 5, 2024

Editor:We would like to thank the generosity of the community for its support of the Jennifer (Miller) Baker Family.The support and kindness of all...

Public outcry from farmers changes the mind of the USDA about NAIS

COLUMBUS -- Unhappy with the charge of paying an additional feed tax and the possibility of having their own standards compromised, several groups representing...

The Ohio Attorney General moved the proposed constitutional amendment forward.

COLUMBUS -- The House Agriculture Committee listened to more than two hours of opponent testimony to implementing the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board at...

WOOSTER, Ohio -- After experiencing one of the worst years for milk prices, dairy farmers across the nation were served yet another forceful blow...

Straying from conventional: Pinzgauer turns out to be cattle breed of choice.

ALBANY, Ohio -- The Alexander FFA chapter held a chapter meeting Jan. 27. Topics that were discussed and voted upon included making committees for...

WINTERSVILLE, Ohio -- The Bareshoe Wranglers met at the Jefferson Joint Vocational School with Morgan Millhorn leading the meeting.The club elected the following officers:...

WASHINGTON, Feb. 3, 2010 -- The nation's organic farms and ranches have higher average sales and higher average production expenses than U.S. farms overall,...