A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Feb. 4, 2010


WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Bareshoe Wranglers met at the Jefferson Joint Vocational School with Morgan Millhorn leading the meeting.

The club elected the following officers: Holly Mazur, president; Ali Glenn, vice president; Jennifer Smith, secretary; and Courtney Darling, treasurer.

Window decorating and the spaghetti dinner was discussed.

The next meeting will be Feb. 17 at the J.V.S.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The New Horizons 4-H club met Jan. 15 with 18 members, 15 parents, three advisers, one visitor and 6 Cloverbuds in attendance.

Upcoming activities were discussed and it was announced that enrollment cards and membership fees are due next month.

Health and safety speeches will start next month.

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Feb. 19 at Baxters Ridge Church.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The East Township Young Producers met Jan. 20 with 20 members in attendance.

Members discussed 4-H Week and the window decoration. The dairy beef feeder tag will be held from 9-11 a.m. March 27.

Enrollment cards were passed out and must be brought back to the February meeting.

Brittany Rohr did a demonstration on how to make a reusable ice pack.

Jaret Lane did a health and safety talk about how much sugar is in a pop tart and Brittany Rohr did a health and safety talk about lunch boxes.

The next meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at St. Johns Hall.

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ALLIANCE, Ohio — The Country Folks and Country Barbwires 4-H clubs held their joint yearly organizational meeting at the Washington Township Fire Hall.

Everyone was updated on the upcoming important dates, for Quality Assurance, mandatory clinics and tag in dates. The clubs will hold a fundraiser bake sale at the Washington Township Fire Department breakfast March 7.

Christina Brunner and Clay Poynter were recognized for their election to the Stark County Junior Fair Board. Both members gave a brief presentation on their Jr. Fair Board Training Clinic held in Columbus.

New officers were named and will be sworn in at the next meeting by Louisville Mayor Pat Fallott.

The new elected officers for each club are as follows:

Country Folks — Bethany Brugger, president; Brittany Brugger, vice president; Emily Conrad, secretary; Jacob Conrad, treasurer; Claire Morrow, news reporter; Shnaiah Thomas, safety reporter and Sheridan Rummel, health reporter.

Country Barbwires — Emily Shockling, president; Joshua Schwerzler, vice president; Emily Conrad, secretary; Adam Ramsey, treasurer; Bryan Poynter, news reporter; Nicholas Brunner, safety officer and Ashley Royer, health officer.

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BROOKFIELD, Ohio — The Brookfield 4-H Friends held its first meeting of the year recently. Newly elected officers are: president, Tino Defalco; vice president, Josh James; secretary, Lauren Almasy; treasurer, Faith Loomis; recreation, Megan Broxson; health, Siri Pinchot; safety, Jade Bailey; news reporter, Thomas Almasy; scrapbook, Taylor Roberts and Lauren Omerzo and photographers, Natalie Pinchot, Brandon Omerzo, Dan Loomis, Brock Broxson and Sierra Gaskill.

The next meeting will be Feb., 4. Members will be completing registrations and giving project demonstrations.

To join 4-H, call OSU Extension at 330-638-6783.

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CORTLAND, Ohio — The Happy Hams 4-H swine club will meet at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 6 at the Trumbull County Fairgrounds in the Fairboard Office.

Pizza and refreshments will be served at 11 am for all Trumbull County Swine 4-H members with the reading and approval of the 2010 Swine Rules.

The club is currently accepting new members. For more information contact Ken and Heather Letcher at 330-924-0404.

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