Monday, May 6, 2024

LOUDONVILLE, Ohio — The Loudonville Livestock Club named their 47th club year Supreme Champions. Kaleb Shriver earned the supreme market lamb championship for his...

Black Friday is one the biggest shopping days of the year, and is often the perfect time to begin holiday shopping and save money on incredible deals.
Samantha Pierwsza

Samantha Pierwsza took down a 9-point buck near West Deer, Pennsylvania on Sept. 22, 2020.

More than 12 billion additional pounds of dairy have been sold through checkoff partnerships over the last five years.

The annual Christmas Fantastic show by Towne and Country Theatre in Norwalk, Ohio, will be Dec. 6-8, 15.

COLUMBUS -- Cheaper seed and lucrative premiums are driving more crop producers to plant non-genetically modified soybeans this year. U.S. soybean production is 95...

COLUMBUS -- A Coshocton-based mining company has been recognized for increasing the use of trees in its mine land reclamation program. The firm partnered...

Meet the winners of this year's Mercer County (Pa.) 4-H Roundup market livestock competitions.

MINERVA, Ohio — Minerva FFA raised more than $22,000 selling fruit, meat and barbecue sauce. The top three fruit sellers were Martin Merrick, Taylor...

A horse from Ashtabula County was recently confirmed to have eastern equine encephalitis.