Saturday, May 4, 2024

COLUMBUS - If the state of Ohio's corn crop stays on track with the USDA's predictions, farmers could be looking at a record yield.

BURTON, Ohio - It has been a long, hot summer and the inside of your horse barn has probably been even hotter.

FREEPORT, Ohio - You would think a professional forester gets enough of trees during the day. But Frank Corona can't wait to get home from work and head back out outdoors.

NEW CASTLE, Pa. - A new project crossed the auction block at the Lawrence County Fair livestock sale this year.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - When Americans think ethanol, they think corn. But corn isn't the only way to get ethanol.

SALEM, Ohio - The Lawrence County 4-H Rural Teen Leadership Initiative got a boost this year with a $2,500 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - As long as farmers have been working the land and raising livestock, making hay has been one of agriculture's standard chores.

ROCK SPRINGS, Pa. - Pennsylvania's agricultural industry has a lot to look forward to, particularly in the area of renewable energy, according to Gov.

SALEM, Ohio - Pennsylvania is making huge strides in the ethanol race. Gov. Edward Rendell said Aug.