Friday, May 3, 2024

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. - How do you determine when to harvest steers that have been on feed? That's a tough question to answer with a real specific guideline, according to Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist located in Mount Vernon.

WOOSTER, Ohio -- The blazing orange vests and hats were blatantly visible last week in Ohio, where an estimated 420,000 hunters took to the...

Researchers at West Virginia University studied golden eagles' flight patterns to determine why so many were being killed by wind turbines.

Opponents said the legislation is masquerading as a food safety issue, when it's not.

MADISON, Wis. - A producer-led coalition representing every facet of the dairy industry recently unveiled the

Southwest Ohio wheat growers with early flowering fields planted with highly scab-susceptible varieties are at moderate risk for Fusarium head blight development this week.

Farm tours and picnic planned for June-August.

Farm incomes are still forecasted to decrease in 2015, and on a more macro-economic level the strong dollar is still hampering U.S. global competitiveness.

Task force develops action steps for labeling program.

It took a single confirmation of mad cow disease in Washington state to kick the USDA into high gear.