Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Mahoning County junior fair board met in the Colonial Inn on the Canfield Fairgrounds for the February board meeting.

Although modern horizontal drilling achieved commercial success in the 1980s, drilling techniques have improved, and in recent years, horizontal drilling has become more common.

WASHINGTON — Soil moisture is essential for seeds to germinate and for crops to grow. But record droughts and scorching temperatures in certain parts...

The new agriculture advisory board is part of a partnership established last year between the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Team PA.

The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) and the Department of Environmental Protection recently announced they will host an auction Nov. 6, for the sale and purchase of nutrient credits in the Susquehanna and Potomac watersheds.

CAMP HILL, Pa. - The Pa. Commonwealth Court has issued a ruling upholding a Chester County Court decision allowing the inclusion of a farm in an Agricultural Security Area.

Wet fields have prevented Ohio's tomato and other vegetable crop producers from planting in a timely manner, which may result in reduced yields.

Pennsylvania apple growers are set to vote on a new Apple Program Order during a referendum that will remain open through April 18.
FFA logo

The West Muskingum FFA chapter placed fourth in the Ag Sales Career Development Event, held at Harrison Central.

CANTON, Ohio - Nearly half a million dollars poured out of bidders' pockets at the Stark County Fair's junior market livestock sales.