Sunday, May 5, 2024

Eliza Rust and Dustin Douglas were named the outstanding 4-H members in Mercer County for 2003.

Ohio Department of Agriculture to hold two information sessions on proposed rule changes for large-scale livestock farms.

The Ohio State University agricultural and water conservation drainage systems researcher has been at it for 43 dedicated years.

Anyone with interest in growing organic vegetables and fruit can attend the public meeting, regardless of farm size.

The author sees the books not simply as mysteries but as a way to illuminate different aspects of Amish culture.

Pennsylvania's 2003 production of corn for grain, soybeans, and potatoes is expected to be above last year..

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau presented its Distinguished Service to Agriculture award to Samuel Hayes Jr., Pennsylvania's secretary of agriculture.

Ohio soybean growers who managed to weather the lashings Mother Nature gave their crops are reaping the benefits of record yields and high harvest prices.

Farm landlords and their tenants can find themselves at each other's throats - or even in court - over farmland leases.

Reader makes suggestions for peaceful rural and urban interface.