Saturday, May 18, 2024

It is possible to get maximum production without going broke, even with high feed costs, low milk prices and low forage quality.

The DEP announced March 21 that a delay was requested by both Hilcorp Energy Co. and the DEP to ensure all people affected were notified of the hearings.

MALVERN, Ohio - At the farmers' markets near Akron and Cleveland, customers sometimes approach a couple toting coolers and call out to Rose or Ridge.

President William Reph welcomed new members at the January meeting of Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club.

ROCKY MOUNT, Va. -- Customers of Select Sire Power Inc. received checks totaling $1,745,314, a 13.2 percent patronage dividend for business done in 2008....

WINONA, Ohio -- The 4-H Lone Rangers met Jan. 8 at the Winona Friends Church.Adviser Connie Heffinger reminded members with livestock projects that a...

The Geauga Prime Time 4-H club met Jan. 16 at the fairgrounds.
glass of milk

U.S. Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh announced Aug. 25 the establishment of a $400 million Dairy Donation Program.

The Ohio Senate approved legislation May 24 to transfer regulation of large livestock operations from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Federal dollars are earmarked for habitat conservation for the turtle and golden-winged warbler in Pennsylvania.