A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Jan. 26, 2012:


WINONA, Ohio — The 4-H Lone Rangers met Jan. 8 at the Winona Friends Church.

Adviser Connie Heffinger reminded members with livestock projects that a quality assurance clinic is Jan. 19 at United Local High School, and that 4-H Day Camp is going to be June 10-12.

Ryan and Justin Keir gave a demonstration on how to make a paper airplane. Ethan Antram did a safety speech on proper first aid care for cuts, and Audra Antram discussed colds and flu.

Members conducted a Super Bowl pepperoni sale through Jan. 21.

The next meeting is Feb. 12, it will be Pajama Day.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Jackson-Milton Livestock Club held its first meeting of the year Jan. 10.

At this meeting, members signed up for the projects they will be taking to the 2012 Canfield Fair. Also, members had the opportunity to sign up to run for an officer position for the upcoming year.

The next meeting is Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Jackson Township Building.

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GARRETTSVILLE, Ohio — The Garrettsville Town Trotters 4H club held the 2012 business meeting with inauguration of officers Jan. 9 at Freedom Town Hall.

The officers for 2012 are: Olivia Doraski as president, Jessica Fackler as vice president, Ashley Kaiser as secretary, Laura Wilburn as treasurer, Jessica Lambert as scrapbooker, and Makayla Gough as sews reporter.

Preparations were discussed for the clubs annual horse show in July at the fairgrounds in Randolph. The club also recently visited the Equine Specialty Hospital in Burton.

The hospital provides emergency care by certified individuals as well as a wide variety of services. The veterinarian talked to us about health and wellness facts. The group also learned rules about horses and what to do and not do at the barn.

One fact she taught us is if you pet a horse at one barn you should wash your hands/gloves before you travel to a different barn and touch additional animals because you could spread sicknesses from one barn to the next.

The group is looking for new members in grades Kindergarten through 12.

Anyone interested can contact the group at towntrotters@yahoo.com or call Renee Doraski at 330-647-8738. Another option is to attend the next meeting at 7 p.m. Feb. 13 at Freedom Town Hall.

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