Saturday, May 18, 2024

MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. - The goat and rabbit auction during the Marshall County Fair capped off a great year for the county's goat and rabbit club.
FFA logo

Catch up on local news from Lorain County JVS and Firelands FFA.
FFA logo

Catch up on FFA news from Black River FFA and West Holmes FFA.
FFA logo

Catch up on local FFA news from Zane Trace FFA, Hillsdale FFA and Racine Southern FFA.
black angus beef cattle

The National Cattlemen’s Foundation is now accepting applications for the W.D. Farr Scholarships for the 2019-20 school year.
Flooded soybean field

The soybean crops in Ohio could be in danger if flooding continues to be a problem this weekend.

Alternatives for Simple Living wants to help you simplify your Holiday by helping you tell friends, "Buy me nothing. I'll still love you."

Researchers are saying that exposure to common antibacterial chemicals and preservatives found in soap, toothpaste, mouthwash and other personal-care products may make children more prone to a wide range of food and environmental allergies.

Bill Brown started Brown Bros. Farms as an FFA project in high school with just over 1,000 broilers and 75 turkeys. He has expanded to selling around 4,500 broilers and 850 turkeys a year, as well as adding layers to the mix.

WASHINGTON -- Exports of U.S.-made agricultural equipment increased 16 percent in 2012 compared to the previous year for a total $12.8 billion, with Africa...