Monday, May 6, 2024

- Jeff Anglin of Anglins Auction Service of Youngstown, Ohio, held a farm and antique auction at the Miller farm in Mount Jackson, Pa.,...

WEST SALEM, Ohio — The Northwestern FFA dairy team will vie for national honors in the area of dairy cattle evaluation and management at...

Editor:I am a local retired food animal veterinarian. I am currently a beef and grain farmer here in Tuscarawas County and I support Issue...

The Wellsville Historical Society will hold its annual Christmas open house during the next four weekends.

Interest in twin row corn is surging and the system may offer some agronomic and financial benefits.

The USDA named 16 Ohio counties as eligible for Farm Service Agency emergency farm loans because of losses caused by extreme weather conditions that occurred last summer.

Editor:When it comes to ethanol stories and letters, it seems amazing that we never get to see, read, or hear about the hard problems...

Cap and trade may have died in the U.S. Senate, but it doesn’t mean the issue is dead.

Check out the results from the 2012 sale of champions.

BUFFALO, N.Y. - A recent poll of more than 1,200 U.S. homeowners has found nearly all (97 percent) agree with the idea that reducing energy use at home is important to save money, yet many could still be missing out on opportunities to lower their energy bills this winter.