Sunday, May 19, 2024
Ohio Farm Bureau Federation delegates 2015

American Farm Bureau president bids farewell, and tells ag to keep telling its story.

WASHINGTON --In the first half of fiscal year 2008, U.S. agricultural imports are up nearly 12 percent in value and more than 5 percent...

COLUMBUS -- The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, a non-profit education organization, and the Ohio State University Organic Food & Farming Education and...
maple syrup making

West Virginia maple syrup production nearly doubled in 2019, according to the West Virginia Department of Agriculture and USDA-NASS.

McDonald's deserves praise for its new ban on antibiotic use in meat supplies.

Juniors trade hard work for champion banners at Hereford premier show.

A coalition of governors say a more effective conservation program would help combat suburban sprawl, protect wildlife habitat, and help reduce air and water pollution.

ALBANY, N.Y. -- The New York Farm Bureau honored outstanding young farmers during the organization's State Annual Meeting recently in Melville.Young farmers ages 18...

PRINCETON, Ky. -- For those who have ever considered fishing for bass and bluegill from the banks of their own pond or dipping a...

If forecasts hold true, farmers will plant approximately 90,000 fewer acres of major crops this year.