Friday, September 20, 2024

July 2001 set a new mark as the driest month on records since 1930, according to U.S. weather observer Ed Copeland, who reports from his home in southern Columbiana County.

The USDA issued a conditional license to Fort Dodge Laboratories of Fort Dodge, Iowa, for a vaccine intended to aid in the prevention of disease in horses caused by West Nile virus.

Failing to get 60 votes to end debate and move to the Senate Agriculture Committee's $7.4 billion bailout bill for farmers, senators went ahead and approved the House-approved $5.5 billion version.

A poem about a 4-H lamb project by Julie B. Herron, 4-H Youth Agent in Columbiana County.

The sixth annual Red Hawk American Indian Cultural Society Pow Wow will be held Aug. 18 and 19 at Willow Ranch at Coitsville.

Beth Wehr of Evans City, Butler County, Pa., has written a book her adventures on her grandparents' dairy farm, "Lessons Learned by a Farmgirl."

The State of Ohio has gone to court with another round of contempt charges against Buckeye Egg for discharge violations, and is asking for jail time and penalties.

Lorain County dairyman Jim McConnell, a frequent Farm and Dairy contributor who has not contributed his writing in some time, surfaces once again commening on parenting.

While Pennsylvania buyers snapped up treasures from the first three days of the July sale, Internet buyers from eBay Live Auctions and provided some bidding rivalry on the last two days of the auction.

"Pickles," the first lamb to be cloned in North America, was born July 22. There have already been clones of dairy and beef cattle as well as domestic pigs born in the United States.