Thursday, May 16, 2024

Congress approves farm assistance package that includes crop insurance overhaul.

A University of Illinois field test found a Bt corn variety had no adverse effect on black swallowtail caterpillars, but a lab test on a different event drew words of caution.

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency has issued a final permit to allow Stoll Farms Inc. to expand its Wayne County dairy farm.

Ohio's land values and land use are shifting from the Midwest into the Northeast.

The Ohio Senate approved legislation May 24 to transfer regulation of large livestock operations from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

The members of Select Sires and Sire Power have approved the merger of the two artificial insemination cooperatives.

Ohio Gov. Bob Taft responded to a set of questions concerning environmental issues and agriculture.

Knox County farmers Greg and Beverly Miller of Lone Pine Ranch, Howard, received the statewide Environmental Stewardship Award sponsored by the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association.

In her weekly commentary, Editor Susan Crowell reminds readers that problems, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder.

What is really the prime mover of today's booming economy. One reader offers his view.