Friday, May 3, 2024
packing mealsvideo

Crestview FFA and high school packs 50,000 meals in an effort to fight local hunger.
2015-2016 Ohio State FFA Officer team

#ThankstoFFA, Ohio FFA President Matthew Klopfenstein feels he has experienced personal and professional growth that has prepared him for the future.
chickens eating

Cargill has been researching the use of non-medicated feed additives for several years as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters.
farmland preservation Washington County, Pa.

The Pennsylvania preservation board approved budget of $31 million to preserve farmland in 2016; enrolls another 27 farms.
laptop and newspapers

From wildflowers in Death Valley to bald eagles in Washington, D.C., here’s a recap of news from around the web this week.
collage of FFA photos

We asked FFA members and alumni to tell us what FFA means to them by saying #thankstoFFA and here is what they had to say.
Farmer standing by tractor

Climate risk in agriculture is likely to be greater in the next 20 years. Manage that risk by keeping track of weather patterns in your area.
Richey couple

Unable to serve during World War II, George Richey went abroad as a cowboy.
Mary Roediger

Mary Roediger jokes that she does not have a little lamb, but she plays an important role in advocacy for the sheep and wool industries.
4-H logo

This week's roundup includes news from the Western Reserve Rangers and the Farmers Pride 4-H clubs.