Saturday, May 4, 2024

Match your favorite birds to their favorite foods and feeders to ensure an enjoyable winter feeding season.
Bird at bird feeder

Preliminary results from a recent survey show 40 percent of the U.S. population enjoyed some form of wildlife-related recreation in 2016.

When you live in the midst of woods and old fields, critters often stop by unexpectedly.

Blooming goldenrod is turning old fields into oceans of yellow. And orb-weaving spiders are hard to miss in these very same fields.

Directed by Jeff Orlowski, written by Mark Malone, and backed by National Geographic, Chasing Ice shows irrefutable evidence that global climate change.

Rails, gallinules, and coots live amid the dense vegetation that surrounds lakes, swamps, and marshes. Most species are seldom noticed.

If you love blue jays, offer whole, in-shell peanuts. As long as peanuts are available, jays keep coming.
monarch butterfly

Much of what we know about monarch migration originates with the citizen science program called Monarch Watch.

Learn more about the chorus of insects whose songs fill summer nights, and the end-of-season sights yet to be seen.

Researchers working deep in the forests of Venezuela rediscovered the Tachira Antpitta, a brown bird not seen since it was first recorded in the 1950s.