Wednesday, May 8, 2024
man petting cow

More than 50 Pennsylvania farmers have committed 4,000 acres to become organic through Rodale Institutes farm consulting program.

Fall is a good time to buy grapes, apples, watermelons, potatoes, berries, zucchini, yellow squash and peaches, among other seasonal fruits and vegetables.
A young woman stands in a show ring with a black and white beef steer.

Addy Brenner’s work on her 4-H animals paid off at the Stark County Fair, in Canton, Ohio, last week when she rang in her most successful year in 4-H so far.
algae in Lake Erie

The H2Ohio program is continuing to face budget challenges due to the pandemic. In the mean time, researchers say solving Lake Erie’s water quality problems will require long-term investments and work to reduce nutrient runoff. And some are suggesting that phosphorus built up in soil, rather than phosphorus from new fertilizer applications, might play a bigger role in those problems than previously thought.
bread loaves

Local grains often get left out of the local food scene. Chatham University is trying to do something about that.
sunflower tops

Saving seed can give you access to your favorite heirloom varieties and ensure success next season. Learn how to harvest and store seed from your garden.
Grand Champion Market Turkey

Find all the results for the 2020 Jefferson County Fair junior livestock sale here.
A woman picks cherry tomatoes.

While urban agriculture can't necessarily feed the world, experts and farmers agree that it can be an important part of city food systems.
Letter carriers load mail trucks for delivery.

Recent changes to U.S. Postal Service operations have some rural Ohioans concerned about possible impacts during and after the November election this year.
front of keller market house

Cities and counties around the country are taking a hard look at their food systems and coming up with plans to make them better. But do the plans work?