Friday, May 3, 2024
Sam Custer explains equipment

Pennsylvania and Ohio State Extension offices are closed to the public, but they've gone online to continue helping people.
milking parlor

After a perfect storm of bad situations, dairy farmers and processors are trying to find a sustainable way forward in this new world.

Dorothy Pelanda waived the required $50,000 match required of fairs to receive a grant from the state’s Agricultural Society Facilities Grant Program.
Troutman Vineyards

Southern Ohio vineyards took a hit last week when frost killed off early emerging buds, and northern Ohio grape growers are bracing for the potential in their area as well.

There's limited research on COVID-19 and animals, but so far, it looks like the virus does not pose a high risk to livestock or pets.

Farmers impacted by COVID-19 are getting $19 billion in aid from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, but some industries say it's not enough.

Learn how to set up and maintain a habitat to raise frogs from tadpoles, including specific care instructions for each stage of a tadpole's life cycle.
sheep and sunset

It's not too late to plan for "what if" and make some changes. Rebecca Miller shares how her family is doing just that on the sheep farm.
kitchen cleaning

What precautions should you take with food after bringing it home from the grocery store? Ohio State Chow Line has these answers and more.
grocery cart

United Food and Commercial Workers local unions want Gov. Mike DeWine to slow processing line speeds, limit grocery store capacity and mandate face masks.