Saturday, May 18, 2024
Week in review 8/8

This week’s top stories include how to overwinter garlic, Summit County fair sale results, sentencing of a father and son team for trafficking deer and more.
chickens in yard

Mikelle Roeder, Ph.D., a flock nutritionist for Purina Animal Nutrition, says the summertime essentials are similar for both humans and backyard flocks: stay hydrated, protect yourself from the heat and maintain a complete and balanced diet.
Columbiana County Fair grand champion project steer

Columbiana County 4-H and FFA members wrapped up their market livestock projects at the annual sale at the Columbiana County Fair.
radishes, lettuce and carrots

In August our regional average temperature begin to decrease, signaling that fall is on the way. Plant now to fill your cornucopia with an abundant fall harvest!
flowers and trowel

Summer is winding down and harvest time is approaching for many crops. If you’re planting a fall garden, now is the time to prepare.

A proposal has been made in Congress to forgive student loans for farmers. Emily Best shares her story of how student loans are impacting her career.
Loudenslager group

Loudenslager brothers are two of this year's Ohio Ag Hall of Fame inductees.
Deer on trail.

Owners trafficked deer across states and held illegal hunts at their preserves in Ohio.
Reserve rabbit

Summit County Fair posts sale results.
2015 Mercer County (Pa.) 4-H Roundup

Mercer County 4-H'ers capped their market livestock projects during the annual livestock sale July 31.